Vishal Prasad receives Global Citizen Prize

Vishal Prasad receives Global Citizen Prize

“This Fijian Climate Justice Activist is Taking Climate Change to The World’s Highest Court

Climate Justice Activist Vishal Prasad is Fighting for his island’s future against climate change”

“We’re excited to share that Vishal Prasad, our Campaign Director, is a recipient of the esteemed Global Citizen Prize this year.

He received this prize from the Prime Minister of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Honourable Philip Brave Davis, in New York City on 2nd May, 2024. Prime Minister Davis remarked, “Vishal amplifies the voices of the most vulnerable, including those from the Bahamas, in global dialogues on climate change and human rights. His dedication is truly admirable.””

International Court of Justice (ICJ) Receives The Highest Number Of Submissions For An Advisory Opinion

“A historic 91 written submissions have formally been submitted to the ICJ  by States and International Organisations outlining perspectives and proposed solutions to combat climate change.
This marks the highest number of submissions ever received by the ICJ in any advisory opinion proceedings, underscoring the pressing urgency and collective determination to safeguard the planet for future generations.”

PISFCC and WYCJ Win Global Climate Leadership Award

“A milestone was reached this year when Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change and World’s Youth for Climate Justice wereawarded the Global Climate Leadership Award as the Civil Society and Foundation Laureate at COP28 Climate Law and Governance Day, at Middlesex University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on 06/12/23. 

Every year, legal experts and organisations are honoured with the Global Climate Leadership Award for their significant contributions to the advancement of international climate legislation and development. This award encourages cooperation between organisations, governments, and people who are committed to addressing the issues caused by climate change, as well as to inspire continuous commitment to climate action.”

ABC: UN backs landmark Pacific-led resolution clearing way for International Court of Justice advisory opinion on climate obligations

By Prianka SrinivasanFred Hooper and Melissa Maykin

“The United Nations has adopted a landmark resolution asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to deliver an opinion on climate change and the legal consequences countries face for harming the environment.

It is the culmination of a four-year push led by Vanuatu and other Pacific nations to get climate change in front of the highest international court.

Vanuatu Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau described the decision as a “massive win for countries feeling the effects of natural disaster, after natural disaster.””

WASHINGTON POST: How a small island got world’s highest court to take on climate justice

By Michael Birnbaum

“The small Pacific island nation of Vanuatu won a major victory to advance international climate law Wednesday after it persuaded the U.N. General Assembly to ask the world’s highest international court to rule on the obligations of countries to address climate change.

The request for an advisory ruling from the International Court of Justice is expected to clarify the legal obligations of countries to address climate change — and to create a path for them to be sued if they fail to do so. The U.N. effort was a significant outcome for Vanuatu, an archipelago nation of 320,000 people that is suffering from climate-change-driven natural disasters. In recent weeks, it was hit by two Category 4 cyclones, the severity of which its leaders blamed on global warming. Thousands of people are still living in shelters.”

NEW YORK TIMES: Can Nations Be Sued for Weak Climate Action? We’ll Soon Get an Answer.

“Vanuatu, a disaster-prone Pacific country, has secured United Nations approval to take that question to the International Court of Justice.

By Somini Sengupta

A tiny Pacific island nation has pulled off the kind of diplomatic win that can elude global superpowers.

On Wednesday, Vanuatu, population 300,000, rallied countries to ask the world’s highest court to weigh in on a high-stakes question: Can countries be sued under international law for failing to slow down climate change?

The measure passed by consensus, meaning none of the 193 member states requested a vote. The General Assembly Hall erupted in applause.”

ALJAZEERA: UN votes to ask world court to rule on countries’ climate duties

“The call for the International Court of Justice to provide a legal opinion on the climate crisis follows a campaign led by the Pacific island of Vanuatu.

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a landmark resolution asking the world’s top court to define the obligations of countries to combat climate change.

Advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) “have tremendous importance and can have a long-standing impact on the international legal order,” UN chief Antonio Guterres said on Wednesday as the resolution passed with a consensus vote.”

ZEIT ONLINE: Vanuatus Sieg gegen die Großen

“Für Klimawandelschäden wollen Industrienationen nur freiwillig aufkommen. Doch nun hat ein bedrohter Inselstaat dagegen ein internationales Rechtsgutachten erzwungen.

Eine Analyse von  Martin Klingst

Es ist noch kein epochaler Umbruch, keine Revolution des internationalen Klimaschutzes, aber ein längst überfälliger, wichtiger Meilenstein: Am Mittwoch, dem 29. März 2023, hat eine überwältigende Mehrheit der Weltgemeinschaft im Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen in New York für eine Resolution des vom Untergang bedrohten pazifischen Inselstaats Vanuatu gestimmt. Damit wird erstmals die Klimakatastrophe vor das Weltgericht in Den Haag gebracht. 

Auf Antrag Vanuatus wird der Internationale Gerichtshof (IGH) um ein Rechtsgutachten über die drängende Frage gebeten, welche Verpflichtungen sich für jene Nationen daraus ergeben, dass sie mit ihrem hohen Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen die Rechte und die Freiheit heutiger wie künftiger Generationen gefährden.”