yumi ['jumi'] means "we, us, our" in Bislama
The inspiring journey of South Pacific law students as they take climate change to the world’s highest court to save their homes from extinction.
A documentary about bringing the world's biggest problem to the world's highest court
YUMI tells the inspiring story of law students like Solomon, Vishal and Romabeth, who set out from the University of the South Pacific as part of a movement to take climate change to the International Court of Justice through the United Nations to save their home islands from extinction.
The three students work their way up from a small university room to the international stage. They learn how to deal with ministers, ambassadors and commissioners, experience the frustrations of diplomacy and face the challenges of their ambitious goal: to push through a historic resolution at the United Nations that will legally define the obligations of states to address climate change.
Will their relentless motivation and the challenging countries they must overcome be enough to convince 97 UN member states to take their case to the world’s highest court?